The characters names has been changed to protect and discretion purposes. The scene is almost similar to what happened in reality. So enjoy....
Edd: " I like you" long pause, waiting for reply
Helena: " I like you too, but I have a feeling there's a 'but' "
Edd: "Yup, you're right. I've been hurt so many times. I'm not ready for another relationship. But I do like you loads"
Helena: " Is just that you are not that into me isn't it?"
Edd: " Hey ! Don't get me wrong. I do am quite into you, in a healthy amount. But as for now, I can only foresee nothing. It's too soon. Perhaps we should just settle for 'an open relationship" You can see anyone you want, sort called no strings attached. "
Helena:'' Oh..I don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure that out. If that what you wished for. Fine with me. " awkward silent, she decided to light herself a dunhil menthol and smoke herself away, amidst the sudden confusions.
Weeks after...
Helena went for a holiday with her a male companion named Jarrod. They've been very close for a long time now, they are definately good friends but nothing exclusive. But deep inside , Helena do hopes that something is going to happen between her in Jarrod. But Helena keeps her options wide , as she believes that there's no point in waiting if it wasnt meant to be.
Edd: " I was expecting you to call me when you reached here last night"
Helena: " Sorry, yesterday was too exhausting. Reached here late in the evening , checked in , and meet up my friends, had supper and went for a drink with more friends. When I'm back, we're both were tired out"
Edd: " So, this trip of yours is not planned for me?"
Helena : *confused* " I told you before that this was planned months before I even met you, and it was a weekend break for myself. I need to chill away from my crazy work life and spend valuable time with my friends here"
Edd: " It was my fault, expecting too much from you "
Helena: " Why so? I thought, there's nothing exclusive about us, and what we both previously agreed that there's no strings attached thingy. Now your preaching a different gospel altogether , I am so confused now"
Edd: " I'm not trying to imply anything, but I see there's hopes in us"
Helena* look straight to Edd eyes : "Care to define that?"
Edd* long paused* : " The past few weeks, I learn about you, getting to know you and realize, you seem to complete me in every sense. I have to admit, I'm a guy with extra EGO and I need someone who is 'emotionally available 'like you to complete me"
Helena: " So you are trying to say is I'm a doormat?"
Edd:" No , no..not at all. You are amazing, charming, generous, and kind. I have to admit, I am jealous when I know about Jarrod and how is close to you. I hate myself so much because I can't be with you as much as Jarrod"
Helena:" I can't say much about that, but I do care about Jarrod, and even love him. But not in a lover or relationship kind. I liked you before and was hoping for something between us, but you stated it clear and it makes me decided to pull myself away"
Edd: "This shouldnt be this complicated, it should be more easy. I guess, we need time to adjust with each other and see how it goes from here. You know, I pray someday you'll come back and work here. So I can be with you, so you can control me in every way"
Helena: " You know thats not me, I'm a person who willing to let someone go without a fight. I'm too old for those kind of drama. I just need a simple relationship. Thats all"
Edd: " I wished that too, and I hope it was with you."
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