Geytoooo..statement kat atas iteww, haruslah ramai yg speku terus kann
by actually this post is my tribute to my idol, my 'Ratu' Dato'Sheila Majid on her recent showcase at Petronas Philharmonic Hall , and for the 1st time after 25 years. She performed with a full force 88 piece of Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra. Yes people, the undisputed Malaysian Queen of Jazz , Soul & R&B did us , Hell! did me so proud.
2nd October 2010, Thanks to a good friend -who works for Petronas i managed to get the ticket which was sold out within hours (some even line up as early as 6am -on the day the ticket was sold to public-yes..Madonna much huh?!, Siti ko ado? Nan adoooo ok!) I flew down to KL on the 1st of October and I managed to contact a few of my friend who also a fanatic Sheila Majid fan. Again, like every of her show, it's usually a mini reunion for her legion of fans who eventually become friends(and our community is very significant indeed)
This was my 1st time attending a show at MPO, the dress does cringe a lil bit, but with some fashion googling tips here and there. I came out with my own version of looking both chic and formal.
As I reached MPO, the lobby was already filled up by fans of Sheila , looking oh so stylist. I feel like attending an Oscar show ler pulakkk kan. Mingling and catching up with close friends like the stylist cum lawyer cum fabulous fashion guru and Nan the ever so chic. My sort call dates - another friend that I met through Sheila Kamal and his friend came finally. The most that I look forward to meet was Schon, a friend who like me , came all the way from Singapore to watch her idol tonight with me.
Everyone was invited to enter the hall, I was amazed with the beauty of MPO. The hall is both artistic with heavy influence of Malaysian architecture. Sat 6 rows from the stage, center view( I was told by that friend who bought me this ticket- the exact statement: Ko dudok row 100 pun nok, takkan jauh Sheila di mata uolz. Unless ko nak tengok sangat si Achis dekat2 ler- katanyer candidly :)
Within minutes, the stage is now filled with 88 piece of orchestra musicians. I've always amazed by violinist , cheloist and woodwinds (trombone,trumpet,flutes)one particular musician looks so attractive, he plays violin and sitting at the centre which for me is a propa to distract audience from some of the not so young looking musicians. It's a true 1 Malaysia , the hall is packed with all races and ages alike.
Then the music starts, playing the familiar Sheila Majid evergreen Prelude D'Legenda. The accoustic sound is mind blowing. I am enchanted from the 1st nano seconds to the end that night.
Sheila Majid enter the hall with a thunderous applause and harmonious cheers from the audience, wearing one shoulder strap frappy blue dress with hair all tied pony tail- looking absolutely beautiful -starting off with the P Ramlee chicky remake of Aduh Sayang(not actually my favorite choice of an opening number) I have to admit, Sheila never failed to amazed me. Performing most of the songs from her earlier album- Dimensi Baru, Emosi, Warna , Legenda and Ratu. Some familiar evergreen like- Pengemis Muda, Nada, Kerinduan & Cobalah Bertahan from Cinta Kita album and The highlight of the night would be her rendition of P Ramlee epic and dramatic 'Jeritan Batinku' her voice is hauntingly melodious with the orchestra- the audience left in awe(some are in tears) Ku Mohon was later performed by her Majesty - everyone agrees that this song does deserved the best song of the year in 2000, the lyrics and arrangement is just flawless.Percayalah performance was an absolute surprise for me. I was happy that she sing the song as it brings back those yester-years of mine. I was in school then when Ratu album released, it was my 1st ever CD purchased.
I was so excited when she choose Embun- my old time favorite from Ratu(the best album and my favorite from any of her past works) for the closing of 1st segment. The upbeat groovy sync harmoniously with heavy backs of strings sections. It was the best choice.
I managed to wave at her backup vocalist - one of them was an Indonesian singer Chandra Satria and also another mutual friend and fan of her. He looks cute from a far :)
Interval, catching up with friends again over a few ciggies and a quick cuppa (the most expensive I ever paid for a kopi and tiny bit of sandwich)
Right after interval, the orchestra plays instrumentals of her hits - the music sounds amazing!
The 2nd segment are more polished and her dress is absolutely stunning- very Givenchy 2011 autumn winter haute couture collection- more hits like - Dia, Gemilang, Emosi, Manusia, Sinaran , of course performing Legenda as the finale is a must! With 4 standing ovations and endless cheering ! I seriously adore the whole show and hopes that there many more to come...
Thank you for the best 25 years we shared Sheila- Love you always
All the best and we're looking forward for a new album from you soon :)
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