Dear Readers...
Get ready ..For some revelation from me: Hilarious and Controversial (yerdehhh...yakin statement iteewww kan!) I know right. I'm so fun * giving that lame look on the face *
1. I'm hopelessly romantic and never run out of love !
2. I adore stocky chunky men: the bigger the better
3. I want A Japanese or Korean stocky chunky boyfriend
4. I'm addicted to Dunhil Menthol
5. I j'adore cocktails and Absolut Vodka( does this daring statement by yours thruly : saya tak pernah sentuh benda haram itewww!!:circa 2000 rings any bell?
6. I have so many big bags in my wardrobe( addiction lagi katanyerrr)
7. I crossdress and fabulous, dolling up, wearing make up*me heart Chanel, M.A.C , Bobbi Brown and Benefits are my current choice of make up and cosmetics, I'm using them all and I look absolutely gorgeous! Unleash the beautiful woman inside of me!
8. In Sex And The City character wise, friends reckoned me as Samantha Jones, secretly I want to be Carrie Bradshaw, I swear I would raid her shoes collection!
9. I love shoes (I mean heels...) , anything from Louboutin, Manolos, Choos, Fendi, Lanvin , Balenciaga and even Dior. But they don't come much in size 14 do they..
10. I always want to be size 2(sicked and tired of being size 12 or 14 at times) need to lose weight, i mean be slim n fit by this year December 2009.
11. I've been to all part of Malaysia and stayed in KL for 5 years, but never to Langkawi(Macam best jer Datai or Andaman kannn!!!..)
12. I adore cooking and entertaining my friends and family: anybody up for Laksa Sarawak or Sichuan Mushroom Chicken?
13. I love fashion labels : Prada, Chanel, Dior, Lanvin ,Balenciaga, Gucci and Thakoon : But never could afford any of them yet..sad...but someday I will!
14. I hate people calling me whores, I do love SEX but it doesn't mean I'm a whore. I don't randomly sleep with anyone u know ..
15. I used to be label as bimbo, dumb blond for many many years, but not anymore! oh well, sometimes i still do have those bimbo-ish moment. I mean come on, how do I know about ESPN, I only watch E for crying out loud ?!
16. I fall in and out of love easily. Always prone to hurt my own self over and over again.
17. I love Apple MAC more than PCs. Perfect for a fabulous gurl like me!
18. I'm addicted to Starbucks (chi latte, vanilla latte, venti cup of cappuccino and that berry flavored iced tea)and yet I still complain when paying for Rm2.70 nescafe tarik at any stall...voleh? double standard katanyer
19. I adore fine dining and fast food binging(McDonald's, KFC, Nandos, Burger King)! It's fabulous to dress up and dine like a star!)
20. I don't heart Rihanna, she's overplayed in the radio! I seriously considering slapping her!
21. I want to be like Madonna, when i'm 50 . I'll still look as fabulous as her (cosmetic surgery much!?)
22. I have so many songs in my Ipod :5798 to be exact, always end up list
23. I hate people with bad manners, cutting queues , rude to the elderly .
24. I simply hate bad body odor (BBO) get some deodorant please...
25. I hate my job !( I seriously want to murder the one who create this stupid job now!)
26. I still missed my ex bf Mr J-as in Mr Big:
27. I hate maths and I'm bad in calculating ( who needs number when U have a fabulous Chanel bag to tote around with)
28. I'm a shopaholic anonymous( I seriously need help, always have the tendencies to shop excessively!)
29. I can dance (Yes sayang..I can dance!)
30. I have boobs(muahahahahaha!!...Those are not men tits, those are my boobies!)
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