I don't want to bored myself so much about the same thing over and over again, blogging the same similar stuff every time I'll have my b-day, when I star yapping away on moments of myself reflecting the whole 365 days of my life and trying to foresee the future. I need to be different, I need to always reinvent myself...
Now...my dear readers..A big girl like me will be buying more gorgeous and fantastic stuff for herself...
I bought myself a few b-day gifts for myself, nothing fancy, but it's a rare findings.
I bought myself a few back dated issues(2008) Vogue UK, Harpers Bazaar and some silly book I found to amuse myself with : Dummy guides on about how getting laid...Ahaks!!
My favorite would be the two Belinda Carlisle Hits and The Best Of Collections CD that I found on my previous trip to KL(She was among the first few English speaking international stars that practically taught me English language ) and Stephenie Meyers Vampire Series - New Moon(sequel to Twilight) and Time Travelers Wife by Audrey Niffenegger.
01/02/1978 , at about 4.30pm a cute bouncy baby gurl was born, 31 years later, she's an amazing fabulous woman , blessed with a beautiful heart that loves infinitely. She is so blessed to be surrounded by beautiful souls .
By 12 am, I received countless sms and a few calls from my friends and family. My facebook fill with beautiful well wishes through my "dinding" When I was sleeping, I had a few dream about my ex Sulaiman.
My morning starts late, I was topping up my previous lack of sleeping hours. I start it off with a terrible but fabulous brunch on bed(kindly refer to the pictures above), later watch a few DVDs,flipping through my magazines and enjoying more nap and bunch of ciggies(11 sticks to be exact)
My big sister Yatie was so sweet today to organize me a small dinner birthday party at home today. I love her very much. Her family is just so amazing. Although, this year both of my parents are still in KL and I'm celebrating my b-day without them. I still have my other family members with me(thank you so much, I appreciate the sweet gestures) Mak n Bapak called me and wishes me birthday(I was melodramatic as usual, gosh ..the older I gets, the more emotional and sentimental I am..Ohh well)
Syuke came and suprised me with a gift - a book :Pop Babylon(and now my babylon series is complete: you must read the series it's amazing, look for : Fashion Babylon, Hotel Babylon, Air Babylon, Beach Babylon) Thanks so much hun!
Today my b-day evening fill with another gastromic adventure , courtesy of Jacob and Gary. Dinner at Kuching famous seafood centre - Top Spot . The food was extremely good, good choices of food and location. I had so much fun over the dinner . Later, we stop by at Bing for more chit chats . I had a slice of brownies (one of the best in town!) the home ride later was a bit more silly; Gary was overly hyperactive mocking over someone , Jacob was being himself again-all puppy cutie-ish(eee geram taw..LOL!)
Thank you so much, by the way you two still owe me a Chanel bag...yuppp!!
My best gift ever this year would be, knowing the fact my dad's cancer is curable. We will continue to be there for him all through his future treatment and inshallah bapak you will get well soon...
Thank you friends and family for all your well wishes, I appreciate them so much. This year my b-day is fabulous as always...
Hopes and Wishes for myself this year
to continue to have good health, love and happiness
dare to make mistakes and learn from them
worrying less and act to resolves any issues & problems
taking a step at a time
travel to places I always want to go
make new more fabulous friends
make more money(I hope)
and never lose hope in love & relationships
Happy 31st BirthdayNeyna Radzuan! You are absolutely fantabulous!
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