The Start Of 2008 - Hopes and Dreams
Denial is not a river down in Egypt...a wise bapok once said...mind u, this bapok is quite well read n travel the globe(well almost lah) I always want to think of positive about my life would end up...yet again...as an INSAN, we never failed to be misreable with what we're facing presently.I have list of bad things that i've done that would easily put Paris Hilton to ashame...with my extreme bapok behavior.....and trust me, being label as blonde and dumb(yes...I have nothing to be ashame of) coz this gurl has make through life...and manage to survive. Although, right this very moment, I have nothing much to be proud of...but I considered myself as blessed, life is not easy to live..as a bapok or nyah or shemale or ladyboy or ah-kua, I am frequently judge and sometimes cruely mock by the society, we're supposed to act and be a certain way if we wished to be in the society. But i dont believe in that at all, I choose to live as I am. As long as I dont bring suffer to anyone else around me..(OMG, I speak like a wise-men) anyway...2008 brings a new opportunity to me, FYI, I am now promoted to a new role and new department, something that I am reluctant to accept at 1st,but I end up enjoying every moment of this new roles of mine!
A lil bit abt me , in terms what profession I'm in(nope, too bad I'm not a show girl, fashion designer, make-up artiste or a stylist:typical bapok proffesion in Malaysia) I work as product trainer in a telecomunication who is proud of the red color and always praise ourself as the NO 1....so nothing suprising...yes..I am working in a very professional field, in fact I never thought someday I would end up working here. But, so far, I am blessed with the fact that, I am in a good place. I am well accepted by my collegues and counterparts, I have shown them my ability and my strenght. Yet, I still maintain my personality, chirpy, sometimes bitchy(well most of the time) blonde moment(but I show them I'm willing to learnt, no matter what speed of pace for me to reach my goal) as a bapok, I managed to make sure, my work place is a fashion conscious temple, I dont just work but I make sure I look good when I'm working! I would be the one who wears all the nicest and smartes outfit(ini blog aku..pasal lahh ..if I want to blow my own horn kan!) and the most trendiest hand bags(I have 14 big oversized hand bags) that I would rotately use. Kuching is a very laid back town, the people is more relax to the point that its annoying at times. My working style comparing to when I was in KL, is so different. I am now more relax and have more time to gain weight..ehehehhe...but, the down side of this would be, my collegues are colorful people who have every characters trait that would easily tear down the whole Roman Empire. This typical group of ppl I work with is somehow making myself realize, I dont want to end up like them...hell with themanyway..I am now in the learning progress of my new roles..do keep on checking on my future posts...so far..
I'm glad i'm still in Kuching, working here, means I can save more money, I can spend more time with my family..I have more time for myself...minus...I'm still single...and trust me...is not something i'm looking forward to live through for the whole 2008...so wish me luck...well...I dont really need any...
My hopes & dreams for 2008
Make More Money
Save More Money
Reduced My Debts
To Improved My Working skills
Make More Friends
Enjoy and Have Fun More
Spend More Time With My Family and Friends
To Travel More Often
To Reduced My Bad Habits- Smoking, Binge drinking, ONS(dah namanya Bapok kan...)
lying too much, make up too much prententious and false stories that would make me feel better when I'm not....sorry guys..
To Exercise MoreTo Loose some weight
To Be More Beautiful (inside n out)
To Be In Relationship
May All These I Will Achieve
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