Rock The Vote!
I’m not trying to be all patriotic and sentimental in this blog. But I guess it’s time for me to show a bit interest in the current affair. Just to proof anyone wrong, I’m not just another pretty face with a fashion sense and a high taste!

I HEART MALAYSIAI have to admit, I never been a fan of political issues. Heck ! I have nil knowledge on politics all together. I registered myself as a voter many years ago, but never bothered to vote. Why u asked? My answer would be simple- I don’t see the needs.
Coming back to Kuching, and living with my family makes me realize. How I’ve missed the chance and my rights to choose the rightful person to govern my beloved Malaysia . As a Malaysian, I am proud to say- we’re damn lucky! Peaceful, unity in diversity. Although,there's a few slights unspoken human rights that confused me as a citizens(say, the gay human rights is much a taboo topic, transsexualism is considered sinful and against the law) but as I said, I considered myself as lucky. I still able to walk out in public without being beaten! I can still able to work in an amazing organization which focuses most on individuality and human development. I still am able to practice what ever my lifestyle, as long as I know my limit and boundaries. Frustrating at times, but it does work out fine at the end of the day. I live by the philosophy of my parents wisdoms on life- Live your life to the fullest, make sure you don’t bring suffer to anyone else.
8th March 2008
National Election Day
As it was my 1st time as a voter, I woke up as early as I could. It was raining heavily, and it’s such a nice weather for me to snuggle up in my blanket, and but a girl got to do what a girl got to do! With my half hearted spirit of Cintai Malaysia . I drag my foot to the shower and grab myself a hot Nescafe. Of course being fashion conscious, I have to make sure, even when I’m voting I need to look good!
Dorothy Perkins grey preggie loose v-neck top, tight black pants, Topshop black cardi , sandals and Mango purse. Hair neatly bun ,and I’m ready to go!
Mom and dad are the typically excited for this special day. For those who has the chance to vote many times before and see Malaysia literally growing (both mom and dad are the pre-merdeka babies) , this is indeed a very special event for them. I tried to pretend my excitement, but failed.
Oh by the way, I bumped into my ex boyfriend Sulaiman who apparently work as a secretariat for the election council. That does help to excite me a bit!
The election in Malaysia pretty much the same as any commonwealth country, majority wins will govern the country. The nationwide election is crucial for the faith of the next 5 years of Malaysia . As the younger generation of Malaysian, I feel it’s high time for me to be a more responsible citizen, contributing to Malaysia by voting. Every vote counts.
Kudos to myself! I’m officially a Malaysian that vote . I am A Malaysian who cares !
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