Save A Life - IJN Foundation 2008
Sheila Majid Live In Concert
02.02.2008 Saturday, 9.15pm,
Plenary Hally Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre
It marks another significant history making event for Ms Sheila Majid, 2 day sold out concert (finale night) in pledge of raising fund for the National Heart Institute (IJN) .Could we expect less( from the Queen(bluntly remark from one of my closest friend cum local music critics cum stylist extradinoire- Aziz Draim) Yes, the music lovers agreed, it was indeed another superb show by her Jazz majesty herself.It was indeed an exciting day ahead for me, I reached KIA(Kuching International Airport) as early as 7am, checking in even my flight is due not in another 3 hours. More reasons for me to chill with my morning caffeine at the Starbucks KIA. With a venti cup of cappucino and Danish Cream Cheese Pastry as my breakfast. I was so positive and energetic to the point it was a breeze for me to flirt with my eye candy (the KIA starbucks supervisor in charge- cutie Jacky)I guess it was the adrenalin rush and my heart are raring to witness a music history in the making!Exactly 12 hours later, I was screaming my lung out, singging every single phrase n note of Sheila Majid evergreen songs. Team up with my side kick and best concert buddy - Aziz
I reached KL in the afternoon, checked in at Traders Hotel(my favourite hotel) and which was the nearest to the concert venue(More reasons for me to sashay from the hotel to the concert, looking every inch of a glam goddess would be)7.45pm, reached the KL Convention Centre concert hall, packed with many familiar faces, some from my acquintances whom I berfriend while watching her gigs and shows in previous years, some whom I've added in my Facebook(my new internet friend-site addiction) smiles exchange, there were giggles and small talks, and many are excited faces whom like me...very much anticipated to witness this amazing lady performance any moment from now.After 7 years, this concert is much awaited by many Malaysian and her ardent fans, many were expecting some extraordinary performance by this Little Ms Dynamite.The most hush-hush show ever, and before the shows, many media press were trying to catch a glimpse of what Sheila will offer this time, the whole Magada Team, and Sheila Majid Fan Club Presidents - Azman Mohd were very much tight lips and keep on teasing the fans with.."wait and see, rugi kalau tak pergi"
Days before the concert, I was privillage enough to catch a few hints of the shows, Alex Eu (my facebook newly added pal -cum Sheila Majid Make Up Maestro and stylist, break the news on what she would wearing. Micheal Ong...So I can imagine, it would be like ballroom long gown dresses(very much like the Ratu 1996 Tour) or a hint of Badgley Mischka, Dior , Valentino,Proenza Schouler, Armani Couture or anything Greek Goddess style long dresses and I'm also feeling that she would pamper her sole with Jimmy Choo , Blahnik or Even Christian Louboutin. Bit by bit..the concert secrets revealed in her Facebook- Sheila Majid Group and Sheila Majid official Facebook Fan Club. Number of songs has reached 36 pieces(which means, she will be rendering her sort called 1 hour and a half show, singging songs from Dimensi Baru, Emosi,Warna,Legenda,Ku Mohon and Cinta Kita, all in medley or full songs versions)
The show was extra special, as the guests of honour(heard rumours, he insist to watch the show, coz he's a closetted sheila majid fans ) consist of Pak Lah and 1st Lady Jane Abdullah, and a few VVIPS- Dato Sharizat and the Datin Aishah Ong(The IJN founder) so I would expect this would be a bit more to protocal and well behaved concert(so I thought...)Me and Aziz filled our tummies with some light snack and coffees at KLCC Park Cafe(which is rare to actually dine on their take-away plastic tupperware like utensils) anyway, as we mingle around, I saw something I know about 25 years ago that I could not afford to buy, concert souvenirs!, I bought myself which I later believed, the book that I now own be the 1st edition of Sheila Majid Coffee Table Book- Retrospective Biography(high lights on her amazing career as a singer an indisputable Queen of Jazz):priced RM100 (another IJN fund raising effort) and a pair of XL sized baby tee priced RM20(later I renovate it with a plunging neckline look..it's soo me okie!)and of course the ticket that we bought, RM200 each(middle sitting , and quite far away from the stage) all in for some good cause!
I managed to meet Azman Mohd - The Fan club president(after all these years, emailing and quite embarassing to say, stalking and harrasing him to give me details on any Sheila upcoming performances)he was thrilled to meet me finally, and lovely and charming lad, and yes the feeling is mutual.
I've seen Sheila Majid in action, regardless through TV or Live performances, but everytime when I'm about to watch her, I get agitated as always. I assume even more compared to her. I met her in person last year during Maxis Hi-tea Series with Outstanding Malaysian, and I was starstruck, she's lovely, charming and beautiful in person. She candidly calm me down when I get too excited to the point speechless, yes, Sheila I've seen you in person many,many times. But she is yet to have that unusual aura, an ex-factor and queenly persona.I rememeber the 1st time I meet her in person many ages ago..she strike me the most, as she's so petit in person but yet so alluring. I told myself when I was young, I want to be her, infact..I still do..Sheila is my Idol...nobody can take that away from me...I grew up listening to her musics, she inspired me, reflects me,loved me with enchanting songs,mesmerize me with her graceful style(totally RATU..very ayu) she confides me with positive lyrics and educate me in every sense.
I've seen Sheila Majid in action, regardless through TV or Live performances, but everytime when I'm about to watch her, I get agitated as always. I assume even more compared to her. I met her in person last year during Maxis Hi-tea Series with Outstanding Malaysian, and I was starstruck, she's lovely, charming and beautiful in person. She candidly calm me down when I get too excited to the point speechless, yes, Sheila I've seen you in person many,many times. But she is yet to have that unusual aura, an ex-factor and queenly persona.I rememeber the 1st time I meet her in person many ages ago..she strike me the most, as she's so petit in person but yet so alluring. I told myself when I was young, I want to be her, infact..I still do..Sheila is my Idol...nobody can take that away from me...I grew up listening to her musics, she inspired me, reflects me,loved me with enchanting songs,mesmerize me with her graceful style(totally RATU..very ayu) she confides me with positive lyrics and educate me in every sense.
Hall is packed with anticipated audiences. Malaysian in all gender,races and ages, there are glamour puss, metrosexuals, smartly clad in batik, ladies in bling2 attired, woman in feminine floral kebaya and baju kurung,'taitai'with overly style hairdo,and there's actually the lady of the night (thats me actually), fashion victims, PLU's,stocky, slim , chubby,skinny..everyone unite as 1 entity- Sheila Majid ultimate fans!The fully packed hall slowly filled with crowds whistling and cheering her name. Suddenly, the air filled with anonymous total silent, as the haunting piano rendering instrumental version of Ku Mohon(the song which she pen and won best song of the year- AIM 1999) the giant LCD, shows footage of IJN foundations, Sheila pictured in the 1st lady outfit, glamorous fuchsia pink baju kurung and pearl necklace. The footage shows the recent visits of her at the IJN, visiting the patients, and it shows the softer side(which predictable enough) of Sheila we seldom notice, even at one point, there's an obvious tearful eyes of her which touched me the most(Sheila ,always coined as the most outspoken, sharp tongue and discipline Malaysian celebrity, whom seldom shows her emotional side to the media view)
The music starts to an upbeat number, backed up by 12 musicians (lead by Achis the hot Sheila Majid hubby) and 3 backup vocals, elevated on the middle of the stage, stands confidently in her Sheila pose, and clad in a green Greecian inspired long gowns and hair toussled loosely, She emerge with a big thunderous applause and hysterical screams from her fans. Glamorously walked down the stage, she rendered her must-have concert/show piece of Warna from Warna album, a refreshing poppy/bubbly danceable tune and more upbeat starts.The most amazing thing would be her flawless voice, we all notice, like many other singers, her voice would need warm-ups and normally after the 4th songs, she would appeared more flawless. This time is different. she starts with a big bang, and ends with a bang-bang boom effect, she starts with familiar songs from her earlier albums. Songs like Dia, Bahagia,Memori, Hasrat Cinta, Kasih Melangkah Pasti and more beautiful ballads from Ratu- Mengapa Kasih, Percayalah and Ratu , and amazing ballad remake P Ramlee's classics of Malam Ku Bermimpi, Jeritan Batinku and the gothic and romantic version of Engkau Laksana Bulan, She even amused us with Pengemis Muda 'original version which Achis appeared with 80's handheld keyboard and actually groove to the ol-skool tune! (ever so yummy Sheila's hubby- Achis)being an ardent fans, these songs just walk down memory lane. Her repotoire with the audience is as we always remember to be, very warmth and very personal, as if she's peforming just for u(very rare artiste have that ability, when performing a live event) she's so charming as always!
The music starts to an upbeat number, backed up by 12 musicians (lead by Achis the hot Sheila Majid hubby) and 3 backup vocals, elevated on the middle of the stage, stands confidently in her Sheila pose, and clad in a green Greecian inspired long gowns and hair toussled loosely, She emerge with a big thunderous applause and hysterical screams from her fans. Glamorously walked down the stage, she rendered her must-have concert/show piece of Warna from Warna album, a refreshing poppy/bubbly danceable tune and more upbeat starts.The most amazing thing would be her flawless voice, we all notice, like many other singers, her voice would need warm-ups and normally after the 4th songs, she would appeared more flawless. This time is different. she starts with a big bang, and ends with a bang-bang boom effect, she starts with familiar songs from her earlier albums. Songs like Dia, Bahagia,Memori, Hasrat Cinta, Kasih Melangkah Pasti and more beautiful ballads from Ratu- Mengapa Kasih, Percayalah and Ratu , and amazing ballad remake P Ramlee's classics of Malam Ku Bermimpi, Jeritan Batinku and the gothic and romantic version of Engkau Laksana Bulan, She even amused us with Pengemis Muda 'original version which Achis appeared with 80's handheld keyboard and actually groove to the ol-skool tune! (ever so yummy Sheila's hubby- Achis)being an ardent fans, these songs just walk down memory lane. Her repotoire with the audience is as we always remember to be, very warmth and very personal, as if she's peforming just for u(very rare artiste have that ability, when performing a live event) she's so charming as always!
The most unforgettable stints would be the end of the 1st segment, walking gracefully on the stairs, as the Embun songs faded- She freeze with a significant old shawbrothers/Hollywood glamour broadway pose(heads thrown back, hands spread wide open, stand statuesqely with both feet clad in unmistaken Louboutin sole, body lean towards left supermodel universal catwalk side profile pose-officially calling this The Sheila Pose) The audience were amused with these unusual enthics of her, assuming something is quite wrong with the stage, or a technical glinched suddenly occured or something, but after 20th second, the crowd when wilder when realizing that it's unusual gimmick , 45 seconds later, the music starts to play and hitting a peak of Embun encore, she disappeared vogue-ly in the Madonna's Confession 2006 World Tour style hydraulic elevated stage.
2nd set are more polished , clad in another Micheal Ong creation. A demure approached of the conventional classic LBD unmistakenly similar to Gucci empire black dress. During this stage, crowds were sitting uneasily as she sings mainly her most wanted ballads, Gerimis Semalam, Gemilang, Antara Anyer dan Jakarta and Aku Cinta Padamu(this is another highlight where she sings the version differently, it was an wow-moment that only me and Aziz could notice ) noticing us sits politely on the chair, she profusely instruct all the audience to get up and dance, yes of course we did. I'm sure I was quite an entertaintment for audience who sits behind me.I was dancing to the P-Ramlee classic tribute segments Manusia and Bunyi Gitar , Jelingan Manja, Tiru Macam Saya like nobody's business..and the VVIP responds, Pak Lah would agree, he obviously sings and dancing a lot too( I'm sure he is amazed to witness this petite asian lady and remember she's a mother of four ! Thats the cili padi and dynamite effect ! (U Go Kak Sheila!)
2nd set are more polished , clad in another Micheal Ong creation. A demure approached of the conventional classic LBD unmistakenly similar to Gucci empire black dress. During this stage, crowds were sitting uneasily as she sings mainly her most wanted ballads, Gerimis Semalam, Gemilang, Antara Anyer dan Jakarta and Aku Cinta Padamu(this is another highlight where she sings the version differently, it was an wow-moment that only me and Aziz could notice ) noticing us sits politely on the chair, she profusely instruct all the audience to get up and dance, yes of course we did. I'm sure I was quite an entertaintment for audience who sits behind me.I was dancing to the P-Ramlee classic tribute segments Manusia and Bunyi Gitar , Jelingan Manja, Tiru Macam Saya like nobody's business..and the VVIP responds, Pak Lah would agree, he obviously sings and dancing a lot too( I'm sure he is amazed to witness this petite asian lady and remember she's a mother of four ! Thats the cili padi and dynamite effect ! (U Go Kak Sheila!)
The crowd spontenously agree to all wanting for more and more from her, even to the point, when she gleefully says her goodbye sort call ending her performance(mind u, it was already 11.15pm),we're still screaming for more! But whoever attended her performance before, would know. This is just another cute gimmick from Ms Majid. As we all know , she would not easily leave us anytime soon yet, as she has yet to sings her :Lagu-lagu wajib...right...The hall load with chanting of !"We Want More..We Want More..WE WANT MORE!" Obviously the Ratu and her expertise and vast stage experience, and like a supermodel; Within less than 2 minutes she re-emerge on stage with a glamorous, crystal studded rain drops like purple boat neck(which I liked to call it the Sheila Majid TOP) neck flip-flap long gown dresses by yet another Ong's amazing creation!
She nows oblige by the command of her long standing fans(23 years love affair babyyy...) she starts the 3rd set with beautiful flawless version of Ku Mohon, she later sings her special dedicated song to her mother who presence in the concert that evening- Hitam Putih Kehidupan(which I grew to like it somehow...) and of course the much awaited Sinaran, no matter how many times the song been remixed and revisited..it's still unusually catchy and U could easily spot it after a few beat ! That Sheila Majid power !! The crowd when wild with this yet another new Sinaran version(which now is my official favorite Sinaran live version) it's very pop, eletronica and hints of Madonna-rama in it...very cool
Sheila take a bow after the performances and was quite expecting to leave the stage, but did we let her do so without singging the ultimate song by these living legend...NOOOOO!!....we didnt!YES!! She emerge again on stage, this time she says ' Aku Dah Agak Dah...Tak sah If I dont Sing Legenda ... tonight"yes..She did..Legenda, with a special tribute to our Malaysian Prime Ministers, it was an amazing approach that I would leave my comment in my memories..as i said..rugi ..for those who didnt attend the concert....ehehehehThe show ended with style and definately substance... exactly at 12.15am 03-02-2008
The show was indeed a succesfull one...I personally hope to see more in the future by the one and only ...
SHEILA MAJID The Best 30th B-day Gift Ever !
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