It was a good Friday morning, a normal weekend start for me. Of course because it’s my favorite day of the week, and I’m always raring for this day to come. I woke up discovering my left eyes kind of swollen a bit and there’s a tiny tingle-ish and slight pain reoccurring every now and then. I remembered the last time was, it’s due to my overly sensitive self, my allergy kicks in and the fungal actually infecting up to my eyes. So, I set up an appointment with Dr Razak later that morning. Just as I suspected earlier, it was due to my allergy, so Dr Razak gave me his miracle pills(consist of flu, allergy and some vitamins) he also ordered me to rest(yes a half day medical leave was approved by him) and avoid air conditioned area and try to minimize my favorite food – chicken and any soy products ☹ oh well, if I want to get well. I have to follow his orders .
The weather was ok, a cool Friday. I was texting Darin and poking fun at myself, before deciding to take a nap. Later I texted to Darin, asking him to take me out for the evening, I have not been out for the past 2 weeks with him. Kind of missing our stupid but hilariously fun hang out tonight. Normally Joel and Darin will pact us a trio of some seriously fun time !But Joel was prior engaged with other activities. So, tonight is Darin and me will be going out. We actually had a lot of fun, deciding tonight will be gastronomy adventure- is a journey of food food food. I cooked cornbeef fried rice and that was our dinner, it was great catching up with him. Gossiping and talking about things that excites us the most. Like musics, movies and our favorite TV shows Glee and ANTM cycle 14(which I haven’t got the chance to watch it yet)
Our first location of the night was; window-shopping at The Spring mall and we decided to get some fraps from Starbucks and do some serious cam-whoring sessions. We talked and talked some more, gossips, poke fun and had a good laugh out loud sessions. Bob & Khai came briefly before they went for a movie later. It was always good to see them both.
2nd destination, driving aimlessly in the middle of Kuching City, it started to rain heavily, so Darin drive courteously slow & safely (blessed his token souls for doing so) and what more fun was, the CD was rotating Sheila Majid classic album Ratu. I literally take him to my world, to the world of my idol, I’m glad he liked the album was sounded impressed with whole album. We had a good sing a long session while driving around the town. We both amazed with some people’w effort when it comes to partying and boozing, be it thunder storm or heavy rain, these dedicated people still willing to wet themselves, carrying ill looking umbrellas and of course there’s a few slight fashion ‘bo’bo’s that obviously sparks a reason for our LOL.
3rd destination of the night, Laksa Sarawak pigging @ Theresa’s laksa stall somewhere behind Riverside Majestic. The laksa was a bit disappointing, but since it was rainy and cold, the spicy heaty laksa just helps to warmth us. I bumped onto a good friend there; we had a quick chitchat. It was good to catch up & probably keeping in touch too.
We were supposed to meet up Bob & Khai at Kuching airport for a late supper at Old Town Kopitiam, so we drive down there. Only to received a BB text saying that they can’t make it, Khai was feeling ill and needed to rest. Since we both were there, and I was craving for a filthy greasy and fatty McD’s Big & Tasty burger and sinfully delicious fries (blame it on watching Gaga & Beyonce’s Telephone video) so we dropped by at the airport McD, spent almost an hour pigging on fries and tall cups of Cokes.
Normally, this is our last destination; Darin would normally drive me home after this location. But I told him- Let’s drive around some more, go to those silly places where people actually hang out in the middle of the night in Kuching- next location Masja, only to discover the place was already emptied due to some police doing the nightly road blocks.
Darin suggested we use a different route since we’re on a mini road trip . So we’re taking the route of Demak Laut and passing by Borneo Convention Centre Kuching BCCK ( I never been to that place before) I jump to the chance of agreeing to his road options. But driving in the middle of the night and on a rainy weather and quite an empty long roads, can be both exciting & scary. I had fun scaring Darin we my own imitation of Malaysian Ju-Onn.
I was quite impressed with BCCK, the building designs reminds me of Putrajaya and KL architecture . It would be nicer if I can see it in a broad day light, this will be the next location of Jom Heboh this year. It’s quite a distant, but the road trip was worth while when you’re with a good friend. A perfect end for a perfect night.
I finally have something to post about :P
Have a good weekend everyone !xoxo