Very the gempak my subject for today huh..actually yes..it's 18 SX , an intimate and personal issues of mine. Why do I want to post them anyway u may asked, who cares. It's my blog ...
It has been a very dry spell for myself, and I'm not ashamed to admit it.Maybe casual stuff doesnt appeal to me that much no more. Maybe now I'm a changing person. Maybe I have yet to meet that someone. Maybe It was meant to be this way so I can focus myself to something more better, or maybe i'm just ..well..simply not ready,
Now to be more accurate(based on my ill math knowledge and the technology and new found functions of calculator in my macbook)
it's almost 3 months since I'm sexually intimate with anyone
in days thats equal to 73 days (yup about 2 months and 11 days more or less)
Thats about 1752 hours
and thats roughly about 2'522'8880 minutes
WOW....This is so not ME...
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