The past few weeks has been very challenging for me and our entire family. We were crushed by the reality and we were shocked by the facts.
My dear father : Haji Radzuan Teoh ,66, was diagnosed with a liver cancer. But, there's absolutely some blessings in disguises. A Rahmat blessed by Allah.
It's only natural that, as a human being, we would react to crisis differently. I am myself only one, and I have to admit, I cant entirely accept the faith. I cried for many days, I cant sleep for many nights... and I feel totally alone: until I read a poem from a friends blog. I realized...I have to stay strong, I have to be there for my dad and my family.
I've lived with my parents most of my life,and for all I know; My father is a true inspirations. He's a physically strong, fit and the most healthy person I know; A typical chinese blooded men, he is full of disciplines, he works very hard , he used to lead an entire department in a huge organization where he works and he's very much family oriented. We share common interests, teaching. I am myself a trainer, it runs in the family. Public Speaking and Teaching has been a breeze for me, it's my talent that I only discover when I start working. Both him and my mom are animal lovers, we have a few cats that he reckoned as his 'children' . My dad is an amazing cook, he cooks the best fried noddles and fried chicken ever, always been my soul food. My dad loves to read and he has huge collections of books of different genre , but what he loves the most would be biography of famous politicians. And oh ya, he has a this adorable habit of watching cartoon every morning(his favourite is T0m & Jerry)
Although, when I was a little gurl, since my dad whose a government pensioner, travels most of the time and I dont get the chance to spend much time but I reckoned him as a loving father. I still remember how passionate he was towards our family. He is a person who potrays a tough and strict attitude , when it comes to bringing up his children, but we all know he has the biggest heart ever.
His laughter always fills our home with his wicked sense of humour. He accepts every child of his as individuals, and love everyone of us equally(although, as the youngest in my family, I always considered myself as the most loved one..*smiled*). I am myself a strong statement of these, my dad never questioned my preferences, or my choice of life. The proof was, when I was in college many years ago, I was allegedly assault because of my out of the norm sexuality behavior and because of my choice , to become a transgender, I was assault and physically brutalized. My dad came to the rescue, and slapping the college with a warning legal letter of condemning the assault and insist that the college to take immediate legal actions on students of have assaulted me and other transgender students. Althought, no action was taken by the college. My dad is considered as a hero to many of my transgender friends, he welcome everyone of them and always been kind to any of my friends.
My dad has shared so many things; He always remind us: to be humble, to be honest, be respectful to everyone, to live life as it is, enjoy life to the fullest, learn and improve oneself every single day, work & play hard, travel the world as often as I cam, to see life differently and finally the best wisdom that close to my heart: love as much as you could to anyone and everyone.
My dad encourage me to be independent at a very young age, my dad tought many life lessons and shares me his countless wisdoms that I can only return in undying and unconventional love & respect for him.
My mother(Rohanie Affendy, 60) on the other hand is a true idol, and absolute RATU(Queen)to me, a woman with an outstanding power to face many obstacles with a smile and an amazing ability to change problems with solutions. A motherly person whom touched so many life. She stays strong and determined, and promised us that she will be by father's side always. It shows how much she loves my dad, and that just inspires me and reminds me. There's hope in love in my life after all...
My father and My mother...
He is the most romantic person that I've seen, my mom is the best witness. She always praised how loving my dad is, and even at this age. They both still look cuddly and loving towards each other. I guess it runs in me, the blood that flows in my veins are from both of them. I am always been a person who has so much love to share with everyone. I hope this will last in me forever.
Yes I love both them equally, although It may not be as much as they do to me, the sacrifices that they did for me is endless and I can't think of the best way to repay them someday. All I can do is pray the best for their happines, peace, prosperity and health.
The past few weeks, I've learnt so many things ,educating myself regarding tumour and cancers. Researching the internet, reading all the medical books I could get my hand on, even watching The Discovery Channel . I prepare myself with queries for the specialist and the doctor to answers. Whenever I accompany my dad for his current routine medical check up I will express many concerns that I have to the specialist . Part of my life now and my major focus are on making sure that my dad will recover soon. We will continously supporting him in every way we can. The whole family is much united now, for my dad's sake. We all leave aside all our personal angst, issues, frustrations and misunderstoods .We talked to each other more often than we used. And now our positive energy are all channel towards our dear daddy.
6th Of January 2009
We were relief to know that, my dad cancer's was discovered earlier and there's a chance to stop the cancer from further attacking the live. We were explained on alternative threatment, e.g Chemotherapy, and a few more options. But the best option now is to remove the cancerous tumor from his the right lobe of his liver(where the tumor where discovered through MRI , CT Scan imaging we did in a private specialist).
Liver is the only functioning organ that can restore its original size, even when a large of it being removed, and it will still be able functioning well(although based on cases and a person body system)
The tantetive date for his surgery is one the 23rd of February 2009. The specialist who is in charge of my dad case has prepared us with further explaination on his surgery .
He was a charming doctor , who speaks the truth, and comfort us with hopes . "Tawakal and Ikhtiar" "Pray , Hope For The Best, Open Your Heart With The Faith That Has Been Written By Allah"
In preparation for this major surgery, he advised my father to start a strict diet regime and fitness program. He was somehow touched by how motivated and supportive we were towards our father.
There's an important message for everyone who reads my blog
cancer is no longer a death note, there's always hopes to cure oneself. You need to be emotional stronger than you are, and must be motivated enough to live through life, be the support system of yourself and people around you.
For friends or family have to be there no matter what, they need us more than you can ever imagine ...
Fast facts about liver cancer(wikipedia)
Liver cancer is characterized by the presence of malignant hepatic tumors -- tumors or growths on or in the liver (medical terms pertaining to the liver often start in hepato- or hepatic from the Greek word for liver, hēpar, stem hēpat-). They may be discovered on medical imaging (even for a different reason than the cancer itself), or may be present in patients as an abdominal mass, hepatomegaly, abdominal pain, jaundice, or some other liver dysfunction .
Here are several types of liver cancer:
- Most cases are metastases from other tumors, frequently of the GI tract (like colon cancer, carcinoid tumors mainly of the appendix, etc.), but also from breast cancer, ovarian cancer, lung cancer, renal cancer, prostate cancer, etc.
- The most frequent, malignant, primary liver cancer is hepatocellular carcinoma (also named hepatoma, which is a misnomer because adenomas are usually benign).
- More rare primary forms of liver cancer include cholangiocarcinoma, mixed tumors, tumors of mesenchymal tissue, sarcoma and hepatoblastoma, a rare malignant tumor in children.
Cancer can be treated by surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, monoclonal antibody therapy or other methods. The choice of therapy depends upon the location and grade of the tumor and the stage of the disease, as well as the general state of the patient (performance status). A number of experimental cancer treatments are also under development.
Complete removal of the cancer without damage to the rest of the body is the goal of treatment. Sometimes this can be accomplished by surgery, but the propensity of cancers to invade adjacent tissue or to spread to distant sites by microscopic metastasis often limits its effectiveness. The effectiveness of chemotherapy is often limited by toxicity to other tissues in the body. Radiation can also cause damage to normal tissue.
Because "cancer" refers to a class of diseases, it is unlikely that there will ever be a single "cure for cancer" any more than there will be a single treatment for all infectious diseases.
For those who wants to learn more about cancer, you can visit this website: , our very own National Cancer Council.For all my friends and families, thank you very much for all your kind and loving support. I really appreciate them. Lets pray that my dad will recover soon , InshAllah.., Al- fatiha..Aminn
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