For those who waits...yes, it does goes by slowly when I wait. It's exactly 60 hours before my next b-day(Number 3-1 to be precise!) I am all anxious all over again, when I turn 30 last year, I had the biggest melt down of my life. I felt old, useless,fugly(thats fucking ugly for some) but it all turn out fabulously! My last 30th b-day was my best ever so far.
Maybe, the reason was, like any other years of my b-day celebration, secretly I was expecting so much from it. I always end up disappointing myself. Sad, but yeah, it's true.
Holding a grande cup of cappucino Starbucks cup(gosh, I should really start boycotting this soon..no!?), seating comfortably at the waiting area of KIA(Kuching International Airport) , departing to KL in less than 2 hours. I'm all so cool about this trip. I wasn't really excited about this trip, as I'm accompanying my dad for his specialist appointment at the Selayang GH tommorow. My energy and my main objective for this trip is channel to these, I have more time on my side updating my blog. My baby mac, will be my loyal companion during these whole trip of mine.
As I was saying about the art of waiting. I am a well verse in this, in life we practically waiting every single moment. We wait for the flight to arrive, we wait for the dreadful working hours to end, we wait anxiously for the new movie that we all excited when we're watching the gung-ho looking trailer in the cinema, we wait for our important calls or sms from the love and admired ones. We wait...and the more we wait..the longer it feels. Is just something that you can't avoid. But i'm trying my best to be more preoccupied with myself these, and try not to wait too much.
There's a certain healthy amount of negativity, voidness, emptiness, loneliness and anxiousness if you dilute yourself by waiting ...
Maybe in life I should learn to not to wait, just be in control of everything. I should reinvent myself isn't that we all should do? change and reinventing one self and turn into a more upgraded self.
I dont want to wait anymore, If I feel like doing something , I'll do it. If I want something, I'll make it, I should make it happen..no more waiting...
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